2016年2月18日 星期四

Description of graph(revised version)


                          (Source: Wal-Mart, Bloomberg)
The chart shows percentage increase of e-commerce sales during 2015 to 2016. According to the chart, the percentage increase of e-commerce sales are anticipated to decrease quarterly from 26% in Q1 2015 to 8% in Q4 2016. Moreover, the rate will start to drop rapidly from Q2 2016, from 16% to 8% in the fourth quarter, which halved that in the second quarter. As can be seen, the researcher gives pessimistic prediction to the e-commerce industry. The anticipation imply that e-commerce industry will have a struggling year in 2016. It is worthwhile to note that the rapid drop might be attributed to two reasons. One of them is increased competition in the U.K. e-commerce retailers, another is the economic downturns in Brazil and China.


The graph shows percentage change of gold, Yen-dollar and 10-year Treasury yield since last close on 18th Feb. 2016. According to the graph, the change of price of gold and Yen-dollar slightly rise while the change of 10-year Treasury tumble sharply from 0% to 2%. As can be seen, prices of gold and Yen-dollar and price of 10-year Treasury goes opposite direction. This might be caused by a glut of crude oil. The investors try to haven their asset by buying gold but not by buying Treasury bill.

            (Source:Smith Travel Company, Bloomberg)

The chart shows the occupation rates at major cities around the world. According to the chart, the average occupation rates at Tokyo hotels are the highest among any other cities. It implies that the hotels in Tokyo might not be enough for lots of tourist, leading to new website springs up recently in Japan especially. For example, Airbnb, a website for people to list, find and rent lodging, grows recently because of this phenomenon . It is worthwhile to note that the number of tourist increases rapidly in recent year due to Japanese yen depreciation. Therefore, the occupation rates at Tokyo hotels seems to increase in future.

