2016年2月4日 星期四

Summation of Ted talk (revised version)

In this speech, the professor Michael Porter claimed that the solutions of social problem are not fast enough to handle social issue, and they can be scaled by creating shared value that means addressing social issue with business model. The solutions cannot be scaled since there is no enough resource such as money come from philanthropic donation and tax revenue, which are mostly in business. In addition, many companies believe the conventional perspective that there is a tradeoff between social performance and economic performance, as a result of pollution in environment. However, the professor found that the traditional view is inaccurate, and, in fact, the correlation of social performance and economic performance is synergy. In other words, companies can make profit and address social problem at the same time, making the solutions scalable and self-sustaining. If companies are willing to adapt the issue of shared value, they can make both social value and economic value. Moreover, the optimal solutions will be hold if the government and NGO organizations can play a collaborative role in assisting companies to create shared value.

