2016年3月20日 星期日

The report of redevelopment of vacant in campus(revised version)

Re-ordered version

(e)  Due to the recent closure of the maintenance depot, a site approximately 250 meters long and 100 meters wide has become vacant on the west side of the university campus. 

(b)  Two alternative schemes for redevelopment have been put forward, as can be seen in Plans A and B above.

(c)  This report attempts to compare the two schemes on this basis and to establish which is the more suitable.

(d)  The aim of the redevelopment is to improve facilities for both staff and students, and at the same time enhance the appearance of this part of the campus.

(a)  The report takes into account a consultation exercise with staff and students carried out last autumn.

The report of redevelopment of vacant in campus


Due to the recent closure of the maintenance depot, a site approximately 250 meters long and 100 meters wide has become vacant on the west side of the university campus. Two alternative schemes for redevelopment have been put forward, as can be seen in Plans A and B above. This report attempts to compare the two schemes on this basis and to establish which is the more suitable. The aim of the redevelopment is to improve facilities for both staff and students, and at the same time enhance the appearance of this part of the campus. The report takes into account a consultation exercise with staff and students carried out last autumn.


(Source: Stephen Bailey: Academic Writing 2nd edition)

As we can seen in Figure of Plan A, the redevelopment mainly divided the vacant space into three parts: tennis courts on the left side, park area with trees and seats on the middle and car park (20 spaces) on the right side.

(Source: Stephen Bailey: Academic Writing 2nd edition)

As we can seen in Figure of Plan B, the redevelopment divided the vacant space into three parts: swimming pool with changing rooms at the southeastern corner, the Café and shops at the southwestern corner and Car park (50 spaces) at the north of the space.

There are some pros and cons of Plan A and Plan B:

Plan A

Pros: Park area makes it possible for the students and stuff to take a rest surrounding trees. Those trees also make the campus greener and more good-looking than before. Moreover, tennis court provides a place for students and stuff engage in sport.

Cons: The Car park area is relatively limited, with only 20 spaces. The limitation will force the university to find other place to build an extra parking lot in order to accommodate a number of cars entering the campus.

Plan B

Pros: The Car park area provides adequate parking spaces for students and stuff to park their car in the parking lots. And the Café and shop will not only make money for campus but also provide the part-time jobs for students. In addition, the swimming pool allows students and stuff to relieve their stress during their leisure time and the university could add swimming in the PE class. Last but not least, swimming pool could be opened for the public surrounding campus, linking good relationship between the university and its neighbor.


The big parking lot will make campus bad-looking. And without the seat in the park area proposed in Plan A, the pedestrian in the campus might not find any seat to take a rest for a while.


According to the pros and cons listed in evaluations section, Plan A might be more appealing than Plan B. The university's target is to improve the facilities for students and stuff and to enhance the appearance of this part of the campus. However, Plan B try to build a big parking lot, making campus appearance bad-looking. On the other hand, Plan A builds park area with trees, as a result of green environment in campus. Moreover, the tennis courts provide a good place for students and stuff to engage in sport. Thus Plan A might be optimal for the university and its members.


The Plan A seems to be more appealing for university’s situation and target. However, we need to hear more opinions from the stuff and students of university to see how the plan does in terms of different perspectives. And the university will consolidate this report and the opinions from stuff and students to find out the best redevelopment plan.

2016年3月6日 星期日

Missing shipment (revised version)

Subject: Missing Shipment
Dear Ms. Blue:

Thank you for emailing us and we are sorry for your inconvenience. We’ve immediately checked the copy of the shipping invoice and tracking information as we received your email. The shipment confirmation was sent to us on the missing shipment signed by your company’s employee named John Adams.

We will contact John Adams as soon as possible to find out what the problem is. Could you check again with your employee John Adams as well? I attach the shipping confirmation letter in this email.

We really hope that your problem will be solved soon. If you have any problem need us to assist, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone (571) 239-6987 or by my email jackyjk113@gwu.edu . I apologize to your inconvenience again.


Mr. Brown

2016年2月18日 星期四

Description of graph(revised version)


                          (Source: Wal-Mart, Bloomberg)
The chart shows percentage increase of e-commerce sales during 2015 to 2016. According to the chart, the percentage increase of e-commerce sales are anticipated to decrease quarterly from 26% in Q1 2015 to 8% in Q4 2016. Moreover, the rate will start to drop rapidly from Q2 2016, from 16% to 8% in the fourth quarter, which halved that in the second quarter. As can be seen, the researcher gives pessimistic prediction to the e-commerce industry. The anticipation imply that e-commerce industry will have a struggling year in 2016. It is worthwhile to note that the rapid drop might be attributed to two reasons. One of them is increased competition in the U.K. e-commerce retailers, another is the economic downturns in Brazil and China.


The graph shows percentage change of gold, Yen-dollar and 10-year Treasury yield since last close on 18th Feb. 2016. According to the graph, the change of price of gold and Yen-dollar slightly rise while the change of 10-year Treasury tumble sharply from 0% to 2%. As can be seen, prices of gold and Yen-dollar and price of 10-year Treasury goes opposite direction. This might be caused by a glut of crude oil. The investors try to haven their asset by buying gold but not by buying Treasury bill.

            (Source:Smith Travel Company, Bloomberg)

The chart shows the occupation rates at major cities around the world. According to the chart, the average occupation rates at Tokyo hotels are the highest among any other cities. It implies that the hotels in Tokyo might not be enough for lots of tourist, leading to new website springs up recently in Japan especially. For example, Airbnb, a website for people to list, find and rent lodging, grows recently because of this phenomenon . It is worthwhile to note that the number of tourist increases rapidly in recent year due to Japanese yen depreciation. Therefore, the occupation rates at Tokyo hotels seems to increase in future.

2016年2月4日 星期四

Summation of Ted talk (revised version)

In this speech, the professor Michael Porter claimed that the solutions of social problem are not fast enough to handle social issue, and they can be scaled by creating shared value that means addressing social issue with business model. The solutions cannot be scaled since there is no enough resource such as money come from philanthropic donation and tax revenue, which are mostly in business. In addition, many companies believe the conventional perspective that there is a tradeoff between social performance and economic performance, as a result of pollution in environment. However, the professor found that the traditional view is inaccurate, and, in fact, the correlation of social performance and economic performance is synergy. In other words, companies can make profit and address social problem at the same time, making the solutions scalable and self-sustaining. If companies are willing to adapt the issue of shared value, they can make both social value and economic value. Moreover, the optimal solutions will be hold if the government and NGO organizations can play a collaborative role in assisting companies to create shared value.