2016年1月15日 星期五

Introductory Entry.

Hi there, my name is Jack and I'm from Taiwan. I'm now studying Master of Science in Finance in GWU. I found that the hardest part of English for me is daily life conversation and I'm really looking forward to improve my speaking skill. Beside, I like to play musical instruments, read a variety of books and do yoga in my leisure time. Hope to find some friends with same hobby here.

4 則留言:

  1. Hi I am Yifang Zheng and I am from Beijing.My major is Electrical Engineering and I am also looking forward to improve my writing and speaking skills because I find myself having trouble finding the exact word to express myself in English which is a big part of making the daily conversation as well as making connections with people around. Besides I like reading about psychology because I want to learn more about people around and myself as well. I also like listening to music, all kinds of music exactly and I do yaga to relax myself when I have the time. Nice to meet you ! Hope we can be friends and have fun together!

  2. Hi, Jack, I'm Ingrid, also from Taiwan.
    Daily conversation is what I want to learn as well. It is composed of simple words but not easy to understand in the first time.
    Besides, I learned piano before and practice Yoga.

  3. Hi, Jack,
    I like yoga,too! It's hard to find a male has this hobby. I leared yoga from my partner Ingrid. We usually practice yoga in the morning or before sleep. I think we can share experiences with each other. Nice to meet you.

  4. Hi Jack, nice to meet you. I'm from China, and it is truely difficult to communicate with others in english in my daily life. I believe it is because of the different culture. To overcome this difficulty, maybe try to make some native friends, yoga and music are good ways to make friends. Hope you can cope with your trouble in communication.
